2025 Celery Farm Winged Insects Checklist

Directions: to keep a record of the first time you see each winged insect species set the observation date and then check off any species observed and submit the form to store your observations.
How it works: only one record for each species gets stored under your email ID for each calendar year. The overall report shows the current year First-Of-Year date for each species recorded across everyone using this list.
Corrections: if you need to fix a mistake, uncheck the record and submit the form to remove it, then open the form again and put in the correct information.
Most insects have wings and entire groups are not represented in this list. This is just a limited sample of what you might see while visiting the Celery Farm. The Bees category has groupings rather than individual species. The camera symbol next to the checkboxes links to an external website with photos and information about the species.
If you see something not on this list, email explore@fykenature.org and include a photo if possible to have the species added to the list.
Confused? Use this form to track your first-of-year winged insect sightings at the Celery Farm.