About Fyke

About Fyke

Fyke was founded in 1952 by a group of people strongly dedicated to saving undeveloped tracts of land in Bergen County, New Jersey as nature preserves. Since its founding, Fyke has not only been a force for preservation, but a forum where people can educate themselves and share their love of the natural world.

Currently the Association is devoted to assisting the Borough of Allendale in keeping the Celery Farm Natural Area, a 107-acre freshwater wetland, in its natural state. As a result, fifty-three bird species breed here, and over 248 species have been recorded.

Fyke also sponsors the Mount Peter Hawk Watch in Warwick, NY, which has recorded continuous annual data since 1958, when it was started by Stiles Thomas, one of the founders of the Association. Some of the history of the Mount Peter Hawk Watch can be found here.

For a glimpse of a few highlights in our early history, see the dinner program and menu at Fyke's 40th Anniversay Celebration in 1992. Fyke Presidents since then are: Hugh Carola, 1991-2002; Carol Flanagan, 2002-2009; Mike Limatola, 2009-present.

For information on becoming a member of Fyke, please click here.

For information on volunteer opportunities, please click here.

Members may use the Suggestion Box to anonymously add items for discussion at Fyke Board Meetings. We appreciate knowing your ideas for Celery Farm improvements, monthly program topics and presenters, activities, anything else you care to share. To access the Suggestion Box, please click here.

Fyke Board of Trustees:

President: Mike Limatola
  email   phone   text
First Vice President: Mike Lefebvre
Second Vice President: Sue Dougherty
Treasurer: Ivan Kossak
Recording Secretary: Gloria Antaramian
Corresponding Secretary: Mimi Brauch
Trustees: Darlene Lembo, Doug Morel, Jim Wright


Celery Farm: Mike Limatola, Gabriele Schmitt, Jim Wright
Conservation: Mike Lefebvre
Newsletter: Crista Trippodi Murphy
Programs: Monica Cardoza
Publicity: Mike Lefebvre
Volunteer Coordinator: Frank Alcaide
Website Content: Tom Mitchell
Hawk Watch: Ken Witkowski

Contact Fyke:

Fyke Nature Association
P.O. Box 141
Ramsey, NJ 07446
